Lessons learnt

Lessons learnt thus far. Most the hard way:
  1. Go to the dentist before flying to South America
  2. Get travel insurance
  3. Learn how to take the wheels of a bike with hydraulic disc brakes and a Rohloff hub before you get to the airport in a foreign country
  4. Check weather before you fly 2700km South into Patagonian Autumn where there are glaciers
  5. Make sure your water sack is firmly attached to bicycle before starting.
  6. Buy more food
  7. Bring more cash
  8. Test drive new expensive bikes before you leave England
  9. Learn how to put up your tent before cycling into a cold desert
  10. Buy a good tent that you can put up in rubbish conditions
  11. Bring more warm clothes
  12. Don't try and cycle over rocks when your bike weights 40kg
  13. Keep an eye on extraneous items attached to the bike (e.g. Fuel bottles and jackets)
  14. Stop losing all your s***
  15. ALWAYS pimp porridge with dulce de leche/cream/cinnamon/coconut
  16. Do not put clothes directly onto a log burner
  17. Hold onto hand rails when the walkway is wet
  18. Do not camp in meadows next to a river in a valley. Frost is not cool.
  19. Travel with really nice organised girls when 6 and 7 are not learnt
  20. Keep your knees warm
  21. Enjoy the 'Rollercoaster'
  22. Don't stroke dogs bellies, they may follow you forever
  23. Chile has very little ozone. Don't let your face be the one repeatedly telling you that
  24. Don't ignore strange sounds from the bike
  25. If it's really cold and you're cycling downhill and you're not shivering, be concerned

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